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In accordance with Public Sector Regulations (2010) there were three instances of fraud confirmed during the year. One instance involved five employees being charged with offences of theft and/or failing to act honestly. These cases are before the courts and the outcome will be considered pending further action. The other two instances involved Government vehicle misuse: the first instance with a group of three employees, of which two are no longer employed by the department and the other having received a disciplinary sanction; the second instance involved one employee who has been disciplined.

In addition to direct disciplinary action taken, the department continues to assess and test controls as part of its internal audit processes. Recommendations for improvement in the affected areas have been, or will be, issued and monitored.

The department's fraud control framework strategies for fraud prevention, detection, investigation, awareness, training and reporting, based on the Australian Standard 8001-2008 Fraud and Corruption Control, will continue to be improved and strengthened during 2016-17, with a dedicated Fraud and Corruption Control Officer now employed to ensure this occurs. Finally, the department continues to promote appropriate behaviour in line with Code of Ethics for the South Australian Public Sector.