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Point to point transport

Point to point transport is any service in a vehicle with 12 seats or less (including the driver) that can take customers on the route they choose, at the time that suits them, for a fare. This includes taxis, chauffeurs, tourist services and ridesourcing (rideshare).

The South Australian Government is reviewing regulation of the point to point transport industry under the Passenger Transport Act 1994.

The focus for the review will be on improving the regulatory standards of all taxis and ridesource (rideshare) operators to help ensure South Australians can expect a safe, clean and reliable ride, regardless of what transport provider they choose.

To help inform the review, the Department for Infrastructure and Transport sought feedback about how point to point passenger transport should be regulated through YourSAy.

The consultation period for the Passenger Transport Act Review closed on 1 August 2022. The Government will now consider all feedback provided to inform the next stage of the review.