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Documentation to support planning, design, delivery, operation, and maintenance, including:

Technical Standards are available on our Standards and Guidelines page. Test Procedures, Technical Notes, and Process Control documents are available on our Test Procedures page.

Environment and Heritage Technical Manual

The Environment and Heritage Technical Manual (EHTM) is a compilation of the department’s key guidelines and standards, administered by/for the department, relating to the assessment and management of environmental and heritage components of a program or project for road, rail, marine, and other infrastructure.

Attachment 1A – Environment and Heritage Impact Assessment Guideline
Supporting Doc - Environment and Heritage Impact Assessment Documentation Scale Tool
Supporting Doc - Preliminary and Level 1 Environment and Heritage Impact Assessment Report Template
Supporting Doc - Environment and Heritage Impact Assessment Report Level 2 Template
Supporting Doc - Environment and Heritage Impact Assessment Report Level 3 Template
Attachment 2A - Aboriginal Objects, Sites and Remains Discovery Procedure
Attachment 2B - Native Title Assessment Procedure
Attachment 3A - Guideline for the Assessment of air quality impacts from road and rail infrastructure projects
Attachment 4A - Vegetation Survey Guidelines
Attachment 4B - Vegetation Impact Assessment Guideline
Supporting Doc - Vegetation Survey Datasheet Template
Supporting Doc - Vegetation Survey Report Template
Supporting Doc - Environmental Weeds List
Supporting Doc - Vegetation Removal Request Form Template
Supporting Doc - Phytophthora (Dieback) Control Environmental Instruction
Supporting Doc - Rail and Roadside Significant Sites Environmental Instruction
Supporting Doc - Rail and Roadside Significant Sites Database and Assessment Form
Supporting Doc - Restricted Clearance Roads List (UNDER MAINTENANCE)
Supporting Doc - Herbicide Resistance Environmental Instruction
Attachment 5A - Fauna Impact Assessment Guideline
Attachment 6A - Protecting Waterways Guideline
Attachment 6B - Water Affecting Activities Best Practice Operating Procedure
Supporting Doc - WAA Risk Assessment form for all Board Regions except for those with standalone risk assessment forms
Supporting Doc - WAA Risk Assessment form for the Board Regions of Alinytjara Wilurara and SA Arid Lands.
Supporting Doc - WAA Risk Assessment form for the Board Regions of Eyre Peninsula and Riverland and Murraylands.
Attachment 7A - Road Traffic Noise Guidelines
Attachment 7B - Operational Rail Noise [EPA: Guidelines for the Assessment of Noise from Rail Infrastructure]
Attachment 7C - Noise Treatment Implementation Guideline
Attachment 7D - Guideline for the Management of Noise and Vibration: Construction and Maintenance
Attachment 7E - Underwater Piling and Dredging Noise Guideline
Factsheet: Reducing Transport Noise Impact - A Guide to Home Owners
Attachment 8A - Non-Aboriginal Heritage Assessment Guideline
Attachment 9A - Guideline for the Beneficial Reuse of Solid Waste
Attachment 9B - Guideline for the Assessment and Management of Acid Sulfate Soils
Attachment 10A - Guideline for the Preparation of a Contractor's Environmental Management Plan
Attachment 10B - Guideline for Environmental Audits in Construction
Environmental Awareness Workbook for Civil Construction, Road, Rail and Marine Projects
Code of Practice for Construction - Road, Rail and Marine Facilities
Environmental Audit Guidelines for Construction - Road, Rail and Marine Facilities
Contractor's Environmental Management Plan Guidelines
Guideline for the Assessment and Management of Acid Sulphate Soils
Aboriginal Sites, Objects and Remains Flow Chart
Fauna Impact Assessment Guidelines
Environment Handbook
Environment and Heritage Impact Assessment Report Template (formerly named Environmental Impact Assessment Report)
Guide to Matters of National Environmental Significance, Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act
Rail and Roadside Significant Sites Environmental Instruction 21.5
Rail and Roadside Significant Sites Database: Site Assessment Form
Landscape Guidelines Introduction - LA 100
Landscape Guidelines Analysis - LA 101
Landscape Guidelines Landscape Concept - LA 103
Landscape Guidelines Final Landscape Design - LA 104
Environmental Work Plan and Risk Assessment Guidelines for Road Maintenance Contracts
Management of Noise and Vibration: Construction and Maintenance Activities Environmental Instruction 21.7
Road Traffic Noise Guidelines
Reducing Transport Noise Impact: A Guide to Home Owners
Underwater Piling Noise Guidelines
Environment Noise Mitigation Manual
Recycled Fill Materials for Transport Infrastructure Environmental Instruction 21.6
Guide for the Re-use or Disposal of Surplus Soil
Contractors’ Guide to Borrow Pits, Campsites and other Preliminary/ Associated Works
Vegetation Removal Policy
Phytophthora (Dieback) Control Environmental Instruction 21.3
Herbicide Resistance Environmental Instruction 21.4
Vegetation Survey Data Field Sheet
Vegetation Survey Data Sheet - Template
Desktop Vegetation Assessment Report for Level 1 Native Vegetation Clearance - Template
Vegetation Survey Report: Simple Report for Amenity Vegetation, Development Act Trees, and Native Vegetation not subject to the Native Vegetation Act - Template
Vegetation Removal Request Form (Standalone)
Weeds List
Restricted Clearance Envelope List for DPTI Maintained Roads
Electrified Rail Vegetation Planting Guidelines
Native Grasses Technical Notes
Protecting Waterways Manual - Chapters 1-10
Protecting Waterways Manual Appendix A - Identifying Appropriate Operations-Phase Treatment Measures
Protecting Waterways Manual Appendix B - Operations Phase Treatment Measures
Protecting Waterways Manual Appendix C - Construction Phase Treatment Measures
Protecting Waterways Manual Appendix D - Maintaining Fish Passage / Habitat - Design
Protecting Waterways Manual Appendix E - Water Quality Risk Assessment Template
New Stormwater Treatment Infrastructure Location - Part A3 - Template
New Stormwater Treatment Infrastructure Type - Part A4 - Template
Recycled Water Guideline - Sustainable Use of Water for Infrastructure Construction, Maintenance and Irrigation
Water Quality Monitoring Manual for Construction Sites
Water Affecting Activities Standard Operating Procedure
Water Affecting Activity Risk Assessment Form (excluding arid areas of AW and SAAL NRM regions)
Water Affecting Activity Risk Assessment Form (arid areas of AW and SAAL NRM regions)

Road Structures Inspection Manual

Bridges and other structures are key asset elements in the transport network. It is vital that their condition is monitored, and essential repairs are planned and completed in an efficient and timely manner. Road Structures Inspection Manual (RSIM) defines that the condition of all structures is systematically monitored to ensure structural integrity and safety of road users, and that there is sufficient data to effectively manage road structure assets.

The RSIM includes numerous road structures including retaining walls, noise walls, gantry structures, and ferry ramps - as well as bridges and culverts - and replaces the Bridge Inspection Manual. It builds on statewide procedures for inspection and condition rating and includes changes to inspection scope and condition rating assessment, documentation, and data management to reflect developments in both the department's current methods, and national and international best practice.

The RSIM also incorporates the Bridge Repair Manual, which details standard repairs used in repairing defects in bridges and other structures.

Any questions or comments relating to RSIM should be addressed to

RSIM Part 1 - Inspection Policy and Procedures
RSIM Part 2 - Deterioration of Structures
RSIM Part 3 - Condition Rating of Structure Components
RSIM Part 4A - Condition State Guidelines and Photographs - Bridges
RSIM Part 4B - Condition State Guidelines and Photographs – Culverts and Pedestrian Subways
RSIM Part 4C - Condition State Guidelines and Photographs - Other Structures
RSIM Appendix A - Description of Structures and Structure Elements
RSIM Appendix B - Standard Component Schedule
RSIM Appendix C - Structures Manager including Survey 123
RSIM Appendix D - Bridge Repair Manual
RSIM Appendix E - References
DEW - TS03 Guideline Repointing of masonry

Sustainability Manual

The department is committed to delivering sustainable transport, infrastructure, and programs in a manner that balances economic, environmental, and social needs, and aligns with the Climate Change Priorities. The department uses a variety of tools and processes to minimise the impacts of its activities on and, where practicable, enhance the environment and deliver lasting benefits to the community. This manual outlines the key tasks and tools to guide sustainable decision-making throughout a project/program’s planning, delivery, and maintenance.

Sustainability Manual
Sustainability Manual - Previous Version Jul 2021
Sustainability Manual - Previous Version Dec 2020

Pavement Reinstatement Manual

Whenever service authorities or other third parties undertake excavation on a road under The Department's care and control, the pavement must be reconstructed according to our Pavement Reinstatement Manual.

Read the Pavement Reinstatement Manual (PDF, 420 KB).