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City Access Strategy

Project Information

Funded by the Capital City Committee, the Department for Infrastructure and Transport (DIT) and the City of Adelaide (CoA) have partnered to prepare a visionary 20-year integrated movement strategy for the City. The City Access Strategy will take an integrated approach to the planning for transport infrastructure and services to support future growth in population, jobs and visitors in the City and surrounding suburbs.

A project team led by Aurecon has been appointed to develop the Strategy, which will recommend a suite of plans and actions to improve access to, through and within the City. The City Access Strategy will cover the CBD and North Adelaide, the City Ring Route, and consider key linkages to adjoining suburbs.

Engagement with DIT and CoA staff, Council’s Elected Members and key stakeholders has been undertaken to understand existing challenges with the current movement system, identify future opportunities, and develop and refine a vision for the future transport system.

Engagement with key stakeholders and the community will be a critical part of the process, so as to understand community and customer needs, challenges and ideas for the future.

Information about the work undertaken to date and opportunities to contribute can be found at the City of Adelaide project website

We are currently developing future scenarios for the future transport system, which will be released for public consultation in the near future.